Information is at the core.

Our mission is to bridge the information gap between consumers and businesses.

We build decision support systems backed by consumer data and state-of-the-art technology.

To create a net positive impact for the people, businesses and our environment.

Hero Illustration
Hero Illustration

What is "Probah"?

Probah comes from Probe, to test, inspect, demonstrate, prove, approve and commend.

Why opt in for Probah?


Automated solutions increase effectiveness and reduce costs yet are flexible for specific business needs.


Established and emerging analytics scaled by state-of-the-art technology.


Syndicated solutions offer our partners an opportunity to acquire significant insights at a fraction of the costs.


Probah's cross-industry expertise drives your innovation forward.

Product portfolio

Review which products best fit your business needs

Decision support systems backed by consumer intelligence and state-of-the-art technology